
The interface used with FX Photo Studio is almost dead simple to use, there are no special manoeuvres that you have to take when editing photos. The application takes many of the lessons found with other multimedia editing applications like iMovie and Final Cut Pro, where you have a dedicated region for seeing the editing process, a bottom region for the dirty work, with the right side dedicated for editing options. The very top of FX Photo Studio is where you’ll find an area for loading the photo, saving the photo, and sharing it onto the web. Next to that, you have options for undoing and redoing your edits. You then have a region for zoom, fitting the photo to its true size, and fitting the screen. You can compare the two photos (original and edited), as well as view the application in full screen. The interface has three regions, all selected on the top right side. The first region page is for effects, second is focused on cropping, and another for adjustments etc.

Features and Filters

FX Photo Studio has various features and filters that make for having an easy experience when editing. You have a choice for a ton of filters and effects, so many that it took some time to go through and try all of them. For this reason, FX Photo Studio has a “favorite” feature, allowing you to like some of your most used filters and effects for quicker referral. While some people refer to it as the “Instagram of Mac”, FX Photo Studio has many more features from filters. FX Photo Studio allows you to crop and rotate your images, as well as add other features, turning your photos into great masterpieces.

Share Your Work

Once you are done editing your photo, you are now able to share it with your friends and family. FX Photo Studio allows you to share it on Facebook, post it onto your Tumblr, upload it to Flickr, post to Twitter, and even email it to your friends. Along with sharing the photo onto various websites, FX Photo Studio allows you to have the photo exported to iPhoto and onto your Mac. But, you must remember that when share through email, it will launch the Mail application, so make sure you have that set up or if you even wish to do that.


All in all, FX Photo Studio allows you to do a ton of things with your photos. From choosing amazing, high quality filters to cropping. Your photo will be perfect for your Facebook profile, or the next holiday greeting card. While you can’t do exactly everything in iPhoto on FX Photo Studio, individuals looking for a nice iPhoto companion in terms of the available filters, FX Photo Studio is the application for you. While the FX Studio Pro version is available for $40, the standard version (shown in this review) is only for $9.99. With very little feature differences, the standard version (with a couple of less features) seems like a very attractive choice. Download Links: FX Photo Studio and FX Photo Studio Pro