When a picture or video and the accompanying text is uploaded, ShoZu will CC your email and/or other destinations you choose. If you upload the same thing to all of your sites, that feature alone will save you immense amounts of time. Below are a couple ways media can be uploaded a couple different ways:

The Desktop Application

The ShoZu desktop app runs with Adobe Air, so you need to have that installed along with the most recent version of Adobe Flash installed before the app will work. Once the desktop application is installed, if you have previously set up an account, you will need to log in. If not it takes a minute or two to set up a new account. When logged in, you will see the list of destinations you have previously chosen on the web page. This can be a couple, or it be a lot; I have a few here that I use. The process for uploading pics, video or text is super easy. Simply drag and drop the media you want to share into the window. The picture or video will show up in the window. Type a short caption in the small box and any additional text into the big box. Some sites won’t show the extra text. *For those wondering, the picture is of a 12 pound bowling ball painted pink with lots of metal flake. It was chained to the soon to be groom’s leg for a bachelor party. If you would like to send the same thing to multiple sites from time to time, click the next destination; the picture and text stay in the windows making it super simple. The program remembers what you upload to where. After you upload a picture, a check will be by the destination so you don’t post the same thing on the same site multiple times.

From a Mobile Device

These day more people than ever have data enabled phones. One of the main reasons people like yourself purchase this kind of phone is so they don’t need to be tied to their computers for work. This also applies for uploading pics to their social media accounts. The device I use is a Blackberry Curve; it is a little limited compared to other devices I checked into. Some of the features like the feeds from Twitter, Facebook and Podcasts do not come to to the Blackberry app. I was a little sad about this, but I have other apps that I have grown accustomed to using for that stuff. From other devices, having the ability to see what your friends are doing, makes ShoZu a one shop application for mobile social networking needs. The upload of the pictures, video and text is very similar to the desktop application. Select the picture, add text and the destination. Quick and simple, exactly what you want from the your mobile device.

Mobile Blogging

If you fancy yourself a blogger, being able to add posts on the fly is great. Sites like Blogger, WordPress, Livejournal, Windows Live Spaces and more let you post on the go. Here is a post to a WordPress blog to give you an idea of how it will look.

Other Features

Citizen Journalism Sites sites like CNN, BBC News, and Reuters let you upload newsworthy pictures Some other places you can upload your photographic wonders to via ShoZu are Email and FTP sites. With the laundry list of features ShoZu has, I am sure it will fit it well with anyone who has the need to share media online. How do you update your social networks?