Smartphone manufacturers have gone to great lengths to make sure that using your phone is much easier than using a computer. That’s usually a good thing. The problem is when something goes wrong with your phone, it’s tougher to figure out what the fix is. You might be stuck in a boot loop, or you might be getting a white screen of death. Even if you know what’s wrong, it can be tough to fix. For example, you might have forgotten your lock screen or Screen Time passcode. That’s where iMobie PhoneRescue comes in handy.

What is iMobie PhoneRescue?

PhoneRescue is basically an all-in-one toolbox for anything that could go wrong with your phone. Because I’m an iPhone user, that’s what we’re focusing on here, but iMobie PhoneRescue will also work to help fix your Android phone as well. If you have any of the problems I mentioned above, PhoneRescue can help you fix it, but that’s not all it can do. You can learn more about PhoneRescue on the iMobie website.

iMobie PhoneRescue Features

The PhoneRescue software focuses on two main areas: data recovery and device rescue. When it comes to data recovery, you can use PhoneRescue to recover data from an iPhone or iPad, which is handy if you badly damage your screen and haven’t backed up your phone. You can also recover data from a backup on your computer or iCloud.

The above features can be handy, but as the name implies, where PhoneRescue really shines is in getting your device back into usable shape. Whether iOS itself has a problem or if you’re locked out of your phone, PhoneRescue can probably help, and with the latest version of the software, it has more options than ever before.

What’s New in PhoneRescue 4?

In version 4, PhoneRescue has seen some major upgrades. One is that now the software can essentially raise any iOS device from the dead, no matter what sort of software problem it has. Of course, it can’t fish your phone from the bottom of a lake for you, but if it still turns on, PhoneRescue can probably fix it. The software can now also securely remove your Lock Screen passcode, whether its four or six digits. Even better, it does it almost entirely by itself. All you need to do is plug your phone into your computer and click a few times, and PhoneRescue takes care of the rest for you.

With the arrival of Screen Time, iOS gained a way to set a limit on how long a device can be used. The problem is that this requires a passcode that many people set once, then immediately forget. As of PhoneRescue 4, the software can now recover that passcode and show it to you. On iOS 12 and earlier, PhoneRescue can only recover the password. If you’re running iOS 13, however, it can actually completely remove it, which is even handier. Head to the iMobie website to see a full list of new features in the latest version of the software.

Using iMobie PhoneRescue 4

No matter what type of phone you have, you can use the same installer for PhoneRescue 4, which is handy. During installation you’ll be prompted to select whether you’re using an iPhone or Android phone. After this, the right version of the software will be installed. When you launch the software, you’re met with an easy to use interface. At the top of the window you can choose between Data Recovery and Device Rescuer. Data Recovery is where you’ll find all the backup and restore options, while Device Rescuer is where the power tools are.

Before you choose what to do, you need to connect your iOS device, then choose the option you need. If you need to do anything else with your device, like entering recover mode, PhoneRescue will walk you through the steps. I tried some of the options with my iPhone 11, but as I had no problems with this phone, it was only sort of a test. To put the software to a real test, I took an old iPhone 5s I’d lent a friend who had put on a passcode, then forgot it. PhoneRescue 4 took it from a paperweight to a usable phone in less than 20 minutes.


There are two different ways to pay for PhoneRescue, depending on how long you need to use the software. If you aren’t sure how often you’ll use the software, you can opt for a one-year license. This costs $49.99 and lets you use the software on one computer.

If you’d rather keep the software forever, you can opt for a lifetime license. Despite the extra time you’re allowed to use the software, this license only costs $10 more at $59.99. Like the other license, this allows you to install the software on one computer.

Try iMobie PhoneRescue 4 for Free

When you’re dealing with a major problem with your phone, you’re probably willing to do anything you can to fix it. The problem is some software preys on this, hoping you pay up whether or not it works. You don’t have to worry about this, as you can download and try iMobie PhoneRescue for free thanks to the free trial. Learn more about how it can help you recover your Screen Time and Restrictions Passcode. This should give you an idea of whether or not the software will solve your problem. Once you have an idea it will work, you can pay for the full version. Then you’ll have peace of mind if your phone has trouble again in the future, and that is easily worth the price.