Shifting the Chrome Menu Bar to the Bottom

This trick is still experimental and is not available in the Settings page. For it to work, you will have enable a Chrome flag.

  1. If you have not installed Chrome, you can get it here. Also, make sure that your Google Chrome app is updated to the latest version. Open the Chrome browser and type in the URL bar: chrome://flags.
  2. You will be taken to the “Experiments” page of Chrome. In the search box at the top, type in “Chrome Duet” and press Enter.
  3. The function will show up in the results list. Beneath it is a button that shows “Default.” Tap on it. You should see a few options in the pop-up window. You can select how the menu bar is arranged on the screen.
  4. Once selected, you will see a Relaunch button at the bottom. Press it to relaunch the browser.
  5. When the browser starts up again, you will see that the menu bar now appears at the button of the screen. Google has been constantly adding new features to its browser. You can also add dark mode to make it easier to read at night or even change its default font. Let us know what your favorite features are in Chrome.