Your main option would be to make use of the “Shared Users” folder to easily copy files and access them from different user accounts. This “Shared Users” folders is located in the “Users” folder at the root level of the system drive. The Users folder also contains all the User Account Home folders. It also contains all the data that is created by each of OS X’s user accounts. Your Home Folder is additionally identified by an icon of a house. You will also find the Shared Folder within the Users Folder.

Now, as I mentioned before, each user’s Home folder is off-limits to any other users, but the Shared folder is there for all users to use freely when files need to be shared. Remember, this Shared folder is only for local use – we won’t recommend using it to share files between machines or between different devices on a network. Here’s how to access the Shared Users folder on your Mac:

  1. In Finder, click on “Go” in the toolbar.

  2. From the drop-down list, click on “Go to folder”.

  3. Type in “/Users/Shared” (without the quotes, of course).

  4. In the Shared folder, you can add various files and folders to be freely accessed by different OS X users.

Now remember, the files that you put in this Shared folder are owned by you, meaning that other accounts may not have the permission to open, modify, delete or even see your files, so you’ll need to take extra care of that.