1. Find the Right Browser

So which one is the best? Firefox offers a more calibrated user experience that is faster and less glitchy on more complicated websites. When we are discussing cross-platform functionality, which we will dive deeper in later, Firefox features, such as Turbo Mode, give it a win. However, for those looking for more customization options, to adjust the default search engine, and a larger suite of permissions and controls, Silk is the rock star.

2. Tackle the Settings

Aside from content controls, you’ll want to explore ways to designate your preferred search engine as well. Firefox simply offers Google, which can be a fine compromise for some users. However, if you want any form of customization, you’ll have to migrate over to the Silk browser, where your selection expands to Yahoo and Bing among other search engine giants. Users will reach the same impediments if they want customizable features like custom bookmarks.

3. Master Cross-Platform Functionality

One major benefit from the Firefox browser is the ability to receive tabs on Firefox for Fire TV from your phone, tablet, or computer. With Firefox on both devices and a Mozilla account, users can unlock Sync, Firefox Lockwise – Firefox’s dedicated password manager, and Firefox’s data breach monitoring service, Firefox Monitor. 

4. Browse Securely with a VPN

5. Invest in the Right Hardware

Regardless of the browser you choose, you’ll still encounter some frustrating moments without some hardware reinforcements. Investing in a quality Bluetooth keyboard or mouse can exponentially improve your experience.